HIDIMBHA is a newly released Hindi dubbed movie that has taken the audiences by storm. Starring Ashwin Babu and Nandita Swetha in lead roles, this action-packed thriller is guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. The film follows the story of a young couple who find themselves in the midst of a dangerous conspiracy. As they struggle to uncover the truth behind a series of mysterious events, they realize that they are in grave danger. With time running out, they must rely on their wits and courage to survive the deadly game that they have been unwittingly drawn into. Ashwin Babu delivers a powerful performance as the fearless protagonist who will stop at nothing to protect his loved ones. His chemistry with Nandita Swetha is palpable, adding an emotional depth to the film that resonates with viewers. The supporting cast also shines, bringing a sense of urgency and suspense to every scene. The action sequences in HIDIMBHA are top-notch, choreographed w...
ABOUT THE MOVIE (5 WEDDINGS) "5 Weddings" is a Bollywood romantic comedy-drama film starring Nargis Fakhri and Rajkummar Rao in lead roles. The film was released in 2018 and follows the story of an American journalist named Shania Dhaliwal, played by Nargis Fakhri, who is assigned to cover a series of Indian weddings in India. The story unfolds as Shania arrives in India to cover the extravagant and colorful weddings of Indian celebrities. She is paired with a local photographer named Harsh, played by Rajkummar Rao, who helps her navigate through the complexities of Indian culture and traditions. As they embark on this assignment together, Shania and Harsh develop a close bond and find themselves drawn to each other despite their cultural differences. The film delves into various themes such as love, cultural differences, and the clash between modernity and tradition. Through the lens of these elaborate Indian weddings, the film showcases the beauty and chaos of Indian cul...
Ravinder is a junior lawyer who works under his ex-girlfriend Kanka Mahalakshmi, who cheats most of the cases. She is also friends with Kanaka's husband Shekhar. One day, Harika Talwar, the R&D head of Syncox Pharma, asks Ravindra to prove her father Vijay Talwar's innocence as she prepares for the death of FDA Chairman Jay Prakash. Ravinder investigates the case and finds that there is no solid evidence against Vijay Talwar, such as DNA samples from the crime scene matching Vijay Talwar, but does so to impress Harika and the prosecutor. Is. Agrees with that. However, ACP Hanumant Rao is asked to lead the investigation into Jayaprakash's death and suspects that Vijay is being framed. His team finds a similar case involving the death of a celebrity. Hanumant asks Goli Pehlwan what happened on the night of the celebrity murder. Goli Pehlwan explains that a man came to his house and took face and body measurements for Madan Tasadi's statue. They find out that...
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